March Board Meeting Summary

March 3 2025

(HOLDREGE, Neb.)  - The Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District’s board of directors held their monthly meeting on Monday handling routine business while listening to reports and updates from management and staff. 


Also at Monday’s board meeting:

  • Directors approved a modification to a concession lease agreement with FGJ Enterprises (Medo’s) at Johnson Lake. The new lease extends the area to include the newly constructed jetties for potential installation of boat stalls.


  • Irrigation and Water Services Manager Scott Dicke announced that the irrigation department is hosting a customer appreciation lunch on March 27 in both Axtell and Bertrand.  This event gives the Irrigation Service Specialists an opportunity to visit with their customers prior to the start of the growing season.


  • The board approved budgeted purchases for a 2025 CAT 950 Wheel Loader from Nebraska Machinery Company of North Platte and a 2026 Mack Granite Cab & Chassis with side dump from RDO Truck Center in Omaha, Neb.


  • The board approved terms for permitting hunting at the Jeffrey Habitat Area. For deer hunting, Central will advertise in May for a lottery drawing to be held in June to select individuals for each of the five hunting areas for a three-year term with an annual lease fee of $600 plus tax.


  • The board awarded an agricultural lease for 81 acres of irrigated farm ground near Gallagher Canyon in Dawson County that had was advertised publicly for bid. 


  • Civil Engineer Tyler Thulin reported that Lake McConaughy’s elevation was at 3237.3 feet on Monday (59% capacity). Inflows are around 925 cubic feet per second (cfs) and outflows are about 225 cfs.  Snowpack in the upper North Platte basin is currently at 98% of median average, the lower North Platte is at 79% of median and the South Platte Basin is at 101%.


  • Thulin told the board that the hydrocycling period at the Johnson No. 2 hydroplant is set to begin on March 18 and run through the end of April. Water elevation at Johnson Lake will fluctuate 1-2 feet during this time.